Hormones for Men - Part 2
/So now we understand the impact that low testosterone might have on a man, let’s talk about a few other factors that come in to play.
Stress is one of the biggest causes of low testosterone. When stress levels are high, cortisol and adrenaline (two hormones) raise and the body goes in to “fight or flight” mode. When this happens long-term, testosterone can be put on the back burner since all the body is concerned about is getting out of that stressful situation. Trying to minimize stress levels is a great way to raise testosterone. Instead of working late, try to take more vacations and set boundaries. Turn off your phone when you’re not at work if you don’t want to be disturbed. Plan for fun things in your life if you find it hard to find time. You’ll have time for it if you schedule it in.
On of the other big factors for low testosterone is poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Choosing a diet that is high in fruits in vegetables, good sources of protein and fat, and low in processed foods is extremely important! Not only will it help to regulate insulin levels, but it will help to regulate testosterone levels.
Exercise is another important one. Getting plenty of exercise can help to you to lose weight, balance stress, raise testosterone and build muscle mass. if you have low testosterone, weights are better for you than high amounts of cardio. I would save the excessive running for when your levels have regulated themselves.
Certain supplements can also help with low testosterone. One of my favourites to use is Quercus pedunculata (English Oak Bud). It can help with chronic fatigue, help to build muscle mass and raise testosterone levels naturally. Another great natural product is Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil. It has gone through some preliminary testing for raising testosterone (nothing peer reviewed yet unfortunately!) but the testing shows some exciting results. Either inhaling or putting it on topically is the best way.
If you ‘re worried that your levels might be too low, go to your doctor and get them to run some tests. It might be a good time for your partner to get their hormone testing done at the same time!
Always consult your doctor or health care provider before starting any new diet, exercise program or supplements.