75 Hard Challenge
/We made it to day 57 of the 75 Hard Challenge!
The morning of day 58, my husband woke me up at 4:45am in a panic because yesterday we forgot to take a progress picture of ourselves. I would love to say that I freaked out, but I just thought “well, maybe I can get more sleep!” haha. But I didn’t, I still dragged myself out of bed and went for a 45 minute run-walk.
So we actually failed, but I’m not going to start back at day one because it was ridiculously hard. I knew it was going to be hard so I didn’t have any expectations of breezing through it, but this is extremely hard. There are very few people that I believe would benefit from something like this.
We decided that we were going to continue on with the diet, exercise, water, and reading portion of it until it ended on August 9th, but then we changed our minds. This type of challenge was starting to consume us and my husband had begun to lose weight. At that point, we decided that if it wasn’t making us healthier, there was no point in continuing.
Here is what I liked about 75 Hard:
It takes the decision making out of being fit and healthy. On our anniversary weekend, we knew that we had to eat healthy and work out so we planned that into our days. It wasn’t that much fun, but we did it. I knew that I have to work out twice a day, I just got to decide when.
I love how my body changed. I always thought I was fit before, but now I have abs and my stomach is flat all the time. Bonus!
I realize how much free time I had before. I always thought I was busy (and I was!) but I’m really enjoying my free time and not being consumed with what time I should work out and if I’m going to get food that is safe for our diet.
I love reading so the 10 pages of non-fiction wasn’t an issue for me. I’m now taking time to finish books that I’ve started but “never had time” to finish. I’m currently reading “The Life Giving Home” by Sally Clarkson and “Leonardo da Vinci” by Walter Issacson. Highly recommended!
It’s was great to spend more time with my husband and family being active together. We go for walks at the beach with our kids and get lots of fresh air and sunshine.
Here is what I dislike:
It is too much exercise for the average healthy human. My husband is quite fit and he lost weight with the amount that he was working out. Your body needs rest days if you’re going to be building muscle. I find that my weight has stayed the same, but I’m not getting drastic results because I’m quickly burning everything that my body would be creating. if you are trying to lose weight, this is a great option for you! For me, I’ve slowed my workouts to 4 times a week mixed in with some yoga, biking, and walking.
I had no free time. None. I got up at 5am and fell into bed at 9:30pm. I was tired and that’s probably why we forgot to take our progress pictures.
I missed out on some great summer experiences because the diet is strict 100% of the time. I love moderation. I normally eat healthy 90% of the time, but allow myself some wiggle room. It would’ve be nice to go out to a restaurant and not ask them to remove the feta cheese or enjoy some ice cream from Slickers.
There is another challenge that is a 30 day challenge which I think would be great and more achievable for most people. Perhaps in the winter I’ll do that, but I definitely won’t be trying 75 days again!