Dangerous Chemicals and Where They're Hiding
/There are so many things to discuss when I get to see my clients that sometimes we get to the topic of household and environmental chemicals but usually we’re jumping to other topics.
There seems to be surprise when I start to talk about the dangers of certain chemicals that we use on a daily basis in our homes. There is the assumption that because it is available for sale, it must have gone through rigorous testing and be safe. Unfortunately, that’s not true. In 1959, there was a study done at Stanford University that found that a group of chemicals called PFAS bind to proteins in human blood. In 1965, they did another study that found the PFAS can cause liver damage and enlarged spleens in rats. There have been numerous studies done since then about the dangers of PFAS and how they are found in our organs, but unfortunately, the chemicals are still on the market and we buy them in the form of Teflon and non-stick pans.
Laundry detergents and especially fabric softeners and dryer sheets have been shown to cause irritation to the lungs, irritation to the nervous system and can cause headaches and dizziness.
Fragrances and candles can also be a source of harmful chemicals. Your cozy candle that smells like pumpkin spice is full of chemicals that are toxic to the nervous system.
Johnson & Johnson has recalled 33,000 bottles of Baby Powder after the FDA found trace amounts of asbestos. This comes after they’ve faced thousands of lawsuits because a few of their ingredients can cause cancer.
So now that I’ve officially scared you, now we can discuss the alternatives. I’ve talked before about my love of natural cleaning products and you can read about them.
If you aren’t sure of what you should change out first, I would suggest the laundry room. Start by throwing out your fabric softener and dryer sheets and using wool dryer balls instead.
The next step would be to get rid of any candles or fragrances. I use diffusers with essential oils to keep my house from smelling too stale. And bonus, they give you health benefits as well.
After that, I would start to change over my cleaners. If you don’t want to invest in some Thieves Cleaner, grab a bottle of vinegar and some baking soda.
Start small and work your way through your cupboards until you’re sure that what you’re using for you and your family is safe!