
I am finally starting my website/blogging journey! 

My own health journey began when I was 14 and introduced to the power of herbs and supplements and nutrition. It sparked an interest in me to pursue a career of helping others to attain their health goals. 

Since then I have helped many people to understand the importance of lifestyle. When I say lifestyle, I don't simply mean taking a multi-vitamin or exercising every week. What I am talking about is all-encompassing. This includes what you eat, what you put on your body, what you smell in the air, how much exercise you are getting, and what stress you allow into your life. This all effects your quality of life and you cannot do one without it affecting the other.

This blog will be a place for me to discuss all of these different aspects and hopefully you'll be able to pick up some tips on what you can do for yourselves and for your families. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment below!