Hormones for Men - Part 1
/There always seems to be more of a focus on hormones for women. I’m not sure if it’s because men don’t like to admit that there’s a problem, or if they feel a little silly about talking about their hormones, but I get more women coming to me and admitting something is wrong in that area.
With the Valentine’s season upon us, I thought it might be nice to focus on men’s hormones for a bit.
Testosterone is the key hormone for men. Women also have testosterone, but in much lower amounts. Testosterone regulates fertility, sex drive, bone density, immune system, muscle mass, and fat distribution as well as red blood cell distribution.
After the age of 25, a man’s testosterone can drop by 1% every year. By the time they hit their forties, their levels can be quite low and push them in to what we call “men-opause” the mid-life crisis or the correct term, andropause. Andropause happens when the male sex hormones become deficient. This can cause depression, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, heart issues, hair loss, and prostate or testicular cancer.
Low testosterone can also happen to men who are younger. This can be caused by the elevated estrogen in the environment, it’s in our food and water, the chemicals we smell (hello candles!), and household cleaners.
So what’s a guy to do?
It’s all about lifestyle. One of the most important things that you can do is exercise. Most exercises will boost testosterone levels and human growth hormone. This can lead to better muscle mass, lower levels of depression and stress, and more energy.
Another important aspect is what you put in your environment. Laundry detergents, candles, cleaning supplies, and soaps all contain chemicals that can interfere with your hormones and lower your testosterone while raising your estrogen levels. Switching out for healthier alternatives can not only help your hormonal levels, but they are better for all parts of your body!
The candles that you are using to “set the mood” might be giving you a good dose of estrogen instead. Maybe skip it and put on your diffuser instead!
In the next part of the series, I’ll be talking about stress and the impact that it has on hormones as well as nutrition, because yes, the food that you eat influences your testosterone levels!
Let me know if you have any questions!